Your opinion [another assignment for my students of the Internet Culture course]

Una mujer de 58 años llamada, María Dolores Fernández, reconoció publicamente que no tenía un opinión formada acerca de la mayoría de los asuntos de los que todo el mundo habla.

Ortega, J.C. (2023) Tus opiniones. Las noches de Ortega. SER.

This is a comedic podcast script that takes an unusual and humorous approach to the concept of having opinions, credibility, and the impact of social networks on the spread of information. It tells the story of a woman named María Dolores Fernández, who publicly admitted to not having formed opinions about various topics, which led to a social and media frenzy.

Here are some elements related to opinion, credibility, social networks, and fake news that can be discussed in an internet culture material:

  1. María Dolores’ Lack of Opinion: The central character, María Dolores, is portrayed as someone who lacks opinions on various topics. This can be used to discuss the importance of forming informed opinions and participating in discussions, especially in the age of social media.
  2. Social Media and Hysteria: The text shows how social media and the news can create hysteria and lead to extreme reactions, such as insults and even violence, based on differing opinions or the lack of them.
  3. Influence of Media and Public Opinion: The text highlights how public opinion and media coverage can significantly impact an individual’s life, causing them to be outcast and even forced to leave their home.
  4. Fake News and Misinformation: The character María Dolores becomes the subject of wild speculation, including theories that she might be an extraterrestrial. This can be used to discuss the spread of fake news and misinformation in today’s digital world.
  5. The Quest for Credibility: The script can be used to highlight the importance of credibility and critical thinking when consuming information on the internet, as well as the need to verify sources and avoid jumping to extreme conclusions.
  6. The Role of Media and Journalism: The character Carlos Salgado’s approach as a journalist can be discussed, as he tries to understand María Dolores’s situation without judgment. It highlights the mission of journalism to explore and understand various perspectives.
  7. Hope for Change: The script ends with a sense of hope that María Dolores might eventually form opinions. This can be used to emphasize the importance of evolving and adapting in the face of new information and experiences.

Activity Title: “Analyzing the Impact of Social Media on Public Opinion and Credibility: A Dissertation Proposal”

Objective: This activity aims to help students develop a dissertation proposal based on the provided podcast script. The proposal should focus on the impact of social media on public opinion, credibility, and the spread of fake news.


  1. Podcast Review (Individual): Ask each student to listen to the podcast and take notes on key themes, characters, and issues raised in the script. Have them identify the central message or problem presented in the podcast.
  2. Research Proposal (Individual): Each student should draft a research proposal. The proposal should include the following components:
    • Title: A concise and descriptive title for the dissertation.
    • Introduction: An introduction to the research problem, including the relevance of the podcast script.
    • Research Questions: Clearly defined research questions related to the impact of social media on public opinion, credibility, and fake news.
    • Literature Review: An overview of relevant literature on topics such as social media, public opinion, credibility, and fake news.
    • Methodology: A discussion of the research methods and data collection techniques the student plans to use.
    • Significance: An explanation of why this research is important and what it can contribute to the field.
    • Timeline: A proposed timeline for completing the dissertation.
  3. Peer Review (Group): Organize peer review groups where students can exchange their proposals for feedback and suggestions. Encourage students to provide constructive feedback on each other’s proposals.
  4. Oral Proposal Presentation (Individual): Have each student present a brief oral proposal to the class. This presentation should summarize the research problem, questions, and the significance of the study.
  5. Feedback and Refinement (Individual): After the oral presentations, students should revise their proposals based on the feedback received.
  6. Submission of Final Proposal (Individual): Students submit their final research proposals, incorporating any revisions and feedback received during the presentation.
  7. Discussion (Class): As a class, have a discussion about the diverse research topics proposed by the students. This can help students refine their research questions and approach.
  8. Research Implementation (Individual): Once the proposals are approved, students can begin conducting their research, collecting data, and writing their dissertations.

This activity not only helps students develop research proposals but also encourages critical thinking about the impact of social media on public opinion, credibility, and the spread of fake news. It also allows them to explore potential research avenues within this context.

“an oil painting by Matisse of Brooklyn Beckham drinking champagne at the Italian sand beach (DALL-E)”

The content of the provided podcast script touches on various sociological themes and phenomena. Here’s an analysis of the content:

  1. Social Conformity and Stigmatization: The podcast highlights how society often expects individuals to conform to normative behaviors and beliefs. When María Dolores openly admits to not having formed opinions on various topics, she is met with incredulity and stigmatization. This reflects the sociological concept of social conformity and the consequences individuals may face when they deviate from societal norms.
  2. Media and Public Opinion: The podcast underscores the influence of media, including social media, in shaping public opinion. The public’s reaction to María Dolores, as well as the spread of rumors and extreme reactions, can be seen as a reflection of the “spiral of silence” theory in sociology, where individuals may hesitate to express opinions that they perceive as unpopular.
  3. Social Exclusion and Discrimination: María Dolores’s experience of being ostracized, insulted, and forced to leave her home is a manifestation of social exclusion and discrimination. Sociologists would analyze this as a case of how society treats those who do not conform to expected norms.
  4. Media Hysteria and Moral Panic: The podcast exemplifies how media, especially in the digital age, can contribute to moral panic and hysteria. The character of María Dolores becomes the focus of widespread attention, speculation, and sensationalism, which aligns with the sociological concept of moral panic.
  5. Impact of Social Media: The role of social media platforms in disseminating information and shaping public discourse is evident in the podcast. Sociologists would study how social media can amplify and distort information, leading to extreme reactions and false conclusions.
  6. Fake News and Misinformation: The character Elizabeth Robert’s claim that María Dolores might be an extraterrestrial due to her lack of opinions reflects the issue of fake news and misinformation in the digital age. Sociologists would explore how false narratives and conspiracy theories spread and their impact on society.
  7. Human Behavior and Social Change: The sociologist would analyze the behavior of the characters in the podcast, including their reactions to María Dolores, to understand how social change and adaptation occur in response to perceived threats or challenges to societal norms.
  8. Public Perception and Credibility: The podcast raises questions about credibility and how individuals or groups are perceived by the public. Sociologists might examine how credibility is established, maintained, or undermined in society.
  9. Social Identity and Belonging: María Dolores’s departure from her home and community can be analyzed in the context of social identity and belonging. The sociologist would explore how an individual’s perceived lack of opinions can lead to exclusion from their social group and community

The podcast content can be examined from various approaches to internet culture, highlighting the problematics and implications associated with each perspective:

  1. Social Media and Online Communities Approach:
    • Problematics: The podcast illustrates how social media and online communities can amplify extreme reactions and stigmatization. The speed at which information spreads online can lead to moral panics and misinformation.
    • Implications: Researchers adopting this approach may explore the role of social media platforms in shaping public opinion and discuss how online communities contribute to the creation of echo chambers where dissenting opinions are not tolerated.
  2. Digital Identity and Belonging Approach:
    • Problematics: María Dolores’s loss of social belonging due to her perceived lack of opinions raises questions about digital identity and how individuals are defined by their online presence. Her experience highlights the consequences of not conforming to social norms in the digital realm.
    • Implications: Scholars examining digital identity may delve into the impact of online identities on real-world relationships and analyze how people navigate their digital and physical lives.
  3. Media Literacy and Fake News Approach:
    • Problematics: The podcast brings to the forefront the issue of fake news and misinformation. It shows how rumors and conspiracy theories can take root online, causing hysteria and extreme reactions.
    • Implications: Researchers in this area may investigate strategies for promoting media literacy and critical thinking among internet users. They can explore the responsibility of media outlets and social media platforms in combating fake news.
  4. Cyberbullying and Online Harassment Approach:
    • Problematics: María Dolores’s experience of being insulted and ostracized exemplifies cyberbullying and online harassment. Her situation demonstrates how individuals who do not conform to online norms can become targets.
    • Implications: Scholars focusing on cyberbullying can study the psychological and social consequences of online harassment. They may also explore legal and technological measures to address this issue.
  5. Sociological Approach to Online Communities:
    • Problematics: The podcast portrays the societal reaction to a non-conforming individual. It raises questions about how social norms and expectations are enforced within online and offline communities.
    • Implications: Sociological analysis may include an examination of group dynamics and social control mechanisms within online communities. Researchers can explore how individuals who deviate from group norms are treated and the potential for social change within these communities.
  6. Cultural Studies and Media Representation Approach:
    • Problematics: The portrayal of María Dolores in the podcast and the media’s role in shaping public perception offer a lens for discussing media representation and cultural biases.
    • Implications: Scholars in cultural studies can explore how media representations impact public opinion and discuss the ethics of media coverage. They may also examine how cultural biases are reinforced or challenged in digital media.
  7. Human Behavior and Adaptation Approach:
    • Problematics: The podcast highlights how individuals adapt to changes in their social environments, sometimes engaging in extreme behaviors.
    • Implications: Researchers interested in human behavior may investigate the psychological and sociological factors influencing adaptation in response to online dynamics. They may explore how individuals and communities evolve in the digital age.

Each approach provides a unique lens through which to analyze the podcast’s content, addressing the complex problematics associated with internet culture, from misinformation and online harassment to media representation and human behavior.

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